Fish Responsive Website Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 16

Created: Oct 2, 2014

Updated: Oct 2, 2014

ID: 51730

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Ready-made fish website web theme can help you set up a great web presence with no extra effort. This template is an amazing website web template suited for fish aquarium or fish store sites. To generate mobile traffic to your webpage, this responsive theme has been optimized for all the handheld devices. Regarding any issue with this website layout, you can get in touch with one of the professional tech support managers and they will solve the issue of any nature for clients. Look into this particular template design. You will be delighted with its terrific features!

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This Fish Farm website design template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a web page exact same perfectly on any type of display screen size.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design delivers a much better user experience for those who look through a website on a mobile phone or any other gadget, also can help to increase positions of a website in search engine results pages.

Find latest Responsive website designs here

This is a Bootstrap Pet Boutique website design template

What is it?

Bootstrap is a front-end framework for building websites and web-apps.

Why is it Good?

Using the Bootstrap, you can also make completely responsive web designs utilizing HTML and CSS based web themes for typography, fonts, forms, buttons, tables, and so forth.

Find more Bootstrap website designs here

2 Reviews for this product

Quite straight forward for a website designer to edit. I have used this template for a client and they are pleased with the final result. I was able to cut and paste various blocks of content from page to page - in order to change the way each page looks and feels. The navigation menu was able to be edited, as well as all text on every page. We added several images to the main page slider and were able to adjust the transition speed and speed of the images rotating. This template is clean looking and does not look cluttered. The online viewer is able to easily navigate through the web pages. We would highly recommend this template to any website developer who is looking for a template that is fairly straight forward to edit and enhance. Dreamweaver is the program that we used to edit this template. This template also has a number of web pages, so there is definitely more than adequate amount of content to work with. Very good template and have had no problems or issues with it at all.
Я пользуюсь Вашими шаблонами уже несколько лет и очень довольна дизайном и качеством. Для своего нового сайта об аэроклубе я выбрала этот рыбный шаблон))) Он покорил меня яркость и в тоже время легкостью и воздушностью и я сочла, что он вполне подойдет для сайта об авиационных экскурсиях. Пока я сделала одно страничный сайт, но постепенно буду добавлять другие странички. Хотелось бы немного насытить главную страницу шаблона, добавить возможно еще немного полосок, видео и было бы совсем идеально. Я надеюсь в новом шаблоне, для студии керамики, который я сейчас ищу у вас сойдутся все мои пожелания и в итоге получится отличный сайт!
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